Osiris Academy

Formation Types de personnalité CCTI

CCTI®/TypeCoach Personality Type course

Osiris, proprietor of the CCTI® and exclusive partner of TypeCoach delivers a double certification to both of these Jungian typological tools in just one course. Animated only in French


Why Jungian typology?

  • Both CCTI® and TypeCoach are typological indicators that find their roots in C. G.
    Jung’s Psychological Types, to the same degree as the MBTI® and Golden® indicators:
  • To put the knowledge of CCTI®/TypeCoach personality types to the service of
    individual accompaniment.
  • To practice typological discovery sessions in one to one or group scenarios.
  • To benefit from having access to different Osiris tools such as CCTI® questionnaires (both in English and French) and the TypeCoach platform with its multiple online pedagogical resources (with more than 10 languages available).

Duration and terms of the training course

Sessions in Attendance (in Courbevoie, Greater Paris 92)

  • 5 days (3 D + 2 D including the certification) – Total hours in attendance : 35h.
  • Online preparation work preceding every module (between 1 and two hours).
  • Intersession work (between 4 to 6 weeks in between modules ).
  • Personal theory and practice work (2 to 8 hours) including three mandatory type discovery interviews.

The certification​

  • ​After having validated the acquired notions, this course gives access to the CCTI® questionnaires and the TypeCoach platform.​
  • Pre-requisite for the Intelligence of Self® professional coach course.
    Three type discovery interviews with CCTI® indicator to carry out + a
    theory assessment at the end of the last module.
Duration and terms of the training course

The training sessions

TP 3 / 2024 

Module 1  

12, 13 and 14 November 2024  

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 3 days  

 Module 2  

 11 and 12 December 2024 

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 2 days 

TP 1 / 2025​

Module 1​

25, 26 and 27 March 2025​

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 3 days

Module 2​

21 and 22 May 2025

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 2 days


TP 2 / 2025​

Module 1

​​23, 24 and 25 september 2025

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 3 days

​Module 2​

5 and 6 November 2025

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 2 days

TP 3 / 2025​

Module 1

14, 15 and 16 October 2025

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 3 days

​Module 2​

​​10 and 11 December 2025

From 09h00 to 17h30 I 2 days



3 590 € before Tax + 20 % VAT

All transport, accommodation and food related fees are to the expense of the intern.


Contact us

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call us

+33 1 64 23 03 07

What our certified say about us

“What a beautiful adventure! Osiris’ CCTI® certification truly is a success. Our trainer was able to transmit his passion for this typological indicator and its operational value. A lot of exchanges, practical training, debriefing sessions… all in a climate of trust, benevolence, active listening with a lot of humor, energy, and smiles.”


Khar Fall Dieng

Khar Fall Dieng

Certifiée CCTI® 2023

“I came to better understand my “future coachees”; it was first of all myself that
I understood better: what a gift!”


Philippe Cabin Saint-Marcel

Philippe Cabin Saint-Marcel

Coach professionnel IDS® – DIM 25

“The CCTI typology is a powerful tool for self discovery, opening oneself to others and to identify one’s development path. I will use this tool daily in my role as HR the help collaborators and managers to better identify and understand the developmental axis.”


Aurélie Lasoudris

Aurélie Lasoudris

BEL France – Certifiée CCTI® 2024