About us
Osiris has been accompanying individuals and corporations as a coaching firm and academic body for over 30 years.
Pioneers in various areas of personal development and team building, we at Osiris have developed unique and innovative content through patented tools such as the CCTI® typological indicator and the Intelligence of
Self® approach.
This theoretical and pedagogical approach finds its roots in Carl G Jung’s Typological Profiles as well as in Hal and Sidra Stone’s the Voice Dialogue.
Osiris has implemented the MBTI® typological tool in France before creating its own optimized surveying method; the CCTI® indicator.
It accompanies a vast array of businesses. Its coaching school, accredited by the EQA and the EMCC, has been teaching the profession of coaching as well as Jungian typology’s tools for 26 years.

Our Manifesto
We believe that competency and leadership models need redefining. Our
environment is under constant and deep mutation and the new generations
have aspirations that will change our relationship with the world.
This implies that:
- We need to respond to individual and collective quests for purpose.
- A new type of leadership must emerge; one that is built on continuous learning, a catalyst for collective intelligence through active listening, empathy, diversity and inclusion.
- To invest in managerial quality, a guarantee of commitment to collaborators and of respect for corporate values.
- To redeploy training courses with a much-needed development of relational intelligence.
These managerial initiatives will be the keys to a creation of value that will, in the long run, serve a new model of society.

Our values
We respect and encourage all forms of diversity in order to apprehend the world in all its depth and complexity. We consider ourselves experts in Cognitive Diversity® and Cultural Diversity.
Certain values are at the core and heart of our project and, present below in our
ethics charter:
- Quality
- Courage
- Integrity
- Benevolence
- Authenticity
As a B Corp organization, we pledge to be responsible actors by playing a positive
role for the environment and for our society.
To contribute to the emergence of a new leadership that the world needs.
The uniqueness of our approach
Osiris is France’s pioneering company for the application of Jungian typology to the corporate world.

La typologie Jungienne
The CCTI® is a typological indicator that is based, to the same degree as the MBTI® or Golden® indicators, on Carl G Jung’s Psychological Types.
The simple and quick to fill in survey (44 questions) was developed in France by Geneviève Cailloux and Pierre Cauvin who were awarded the International Psychological Types Association prize in San Francisco in 2011.
It boasts a very high ratio of predictivity (above 78%).
TypeCoach is an identification platform for personality types and a content resource in general of which Osiris is an exclusive partner in all French speaking countries.
Our Personality Types course gives access to a double CCTI® and TypeCoach

The Intelligence of Self®
The Intelligence of Self® is a coaching method that allows the coachee to discover and experiment with different parts of themself.
It can reconcile opposing parts and manage paradoxes. The person, through conscious introspection, will thus be able to understand themself better and to respond to their own demands in a more enlightened manner.
The Intelligence of Self® gathers in one single approach the Voice Dialogue, a technique created by Hal and Sidra Stone as well as Jungian typology as a frame of reference for our cognitive functioning

The Intelligence of We®
The Intelligence of We® is a team coaching method.
The coach works with the team as if it were its own living human; with its own typological profile, its culture, its reality and its objectives. The coach creates the vessel necessary to the coaching, establishes rules of thumb and brings demands to
light. The coach acts on the principle that the environment is imposed on the team, and that the functioning of the latter is in turn imposed on its individuals.
Thus, working on the team has a direct impact on individual and collective performance.

Our solution partners
Osiris has established partnerships based on the respect of values and
common missions with:

Osiris is the exclusive certifying and distributing body of TypeCoach®
in France (and other French speaking countries). Stemming from Carl G. Jung’s
work on psychological types, Osiris’ CCTI® and TypeCoach are two
complementary solutions enabling each person, team and organization to
become conscious of their on cognitive functioning.

Great place to work
Osiris and Great Place to Work® France have the common mission
of helping organizations to reconcile performance with workplace quality of life
by redefining a leadership model based on self-awareness, active listening,
respect, diversity and inclusion.

Osiris and OpenDecide have developed a partnership in order to enable each
team to realize its full potential at the service of its purpose and its
corporate ambitions; a tailored accompaniment that facilitates the collective
increase in performance.

Barrett values centre
Osiris and the Barrett Values Centre have a cultural transformation approach based on the embodiment of shared values alike. The BVC’s cultural diagnostics help us to
“objectivize” the dialogue on corporate culture while still clarifying which values and
behaviors favor performance and well-being at work.
We adhere to
Osiris adheres to professional associations and unions whose ethics
charters align with its engagements and values:

The EMCC, European Association for Mentoring, Coaching, and
Supervision: https://www.emccfrance.org/

The French Association for Psychological Types: AFTP > https://types-psychologiques.com/

The French Association for Voice Dialogue: AFD > https://www.dialogue-interieur.fr/

The SIMACS, Interprofessional Syndicate for the Professions of Accompaniment,
Consulting and Supervision: https://simacs.fr/
Our story
Osiris was founded in 1989 by Geneviève Cailloux and Pierre Cauvin. Pioneers in the coaching field, they are laureates of the “McCaulley Lifetime Achievement Award” (2011), the highest Jungian typology distinction in the world.
As Osiris, they brought and developed the MBTI® in France, later developing the CCTI® survey and the Intelligence of Self® approach.
In 2020, Osiris was acquired by the Bruno Thevenin, Hélène Dercourt et Bruno Ardouin trio.
The ambition was to continue to develop the IDS® approach within corporations all while continuing to train the coaches of tomorrow.
Through the Intelligence of Self® and its work in diversity, Osiris has been expanding its corporate coaching and transformation offer.
In 2023, Bruno Ardouin decided to shift his path and Valérie Van den Bossche joined the two remaining associates.
For the last four years, Osiris has pursued its development in a constant and
consistent manner. It has integrated the B Corp movement and has renewed its
Professional IDS® coaching EQA Practitioner label for the next five years through the EMCC.