The team

Bruno Thévenin

Bruno Thévenin

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP,
EIA practitioner (EMCC), CCTI®, TypeCoach


  • Bruno has acquired a solid business experience over 25 years through his positions as Marketing and Commercial Director and then as CEO of Pepsico France and Tropicana Europe.

  • He has proven and implemented a virtuous circle of economic and social performance, delivering excellent business results while combining well-being and collaborator engagement (N°1 Great Place To Work).

  • He promotes a new leadership model based on continuous learning, a catalyst of collective intelligence through active listening, empathy and diversity around meaningful projects. He is a specialist in Jungian coaching.

Hélène Dercourt

Hélène Dercourt

Certified Professional Coach and supervisor

Master Coach IDS®,  EIA senior practitioner (EMCC),
CCTI®, TypeCoach

CIFFOP, ESSEC business school

  • Director of the individual development team at Altran Group from 1996 to 2006, Hélène Dercourt has previously worked for the French Red Cross.

  • Convinced that the evolution of the world and corporate transformations lead to people being increasingly autonomous but also bolstering individualism more than ever before, she helpspeople to reach what they consider is their rightful place and to help them perform as such.

  • Through her work, she leads those that she supports, individuals and teams alike, to become aware of what they are and what they wish to embody. Hélène is a mediator (Amedis institute) and a supervisor (Osiris ) as well as being credited by the European Council for Mentoring and Coaching.

Valérie Van den Bossche

Valérie Van den Bossche

Certified Professional Coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563,
EIA practitioner (EMCC),
CCTI®, TypeCoach

UCL, HEC/Oxford University, Cultural Intelligence Centre

  • Passionate about the human and cultural dimensions of corporations, in particular by the richness of their diversity.
  • Throughout her 30 year long international career in brand strategy consulting and coaching, she has acquired an expertise in intercultural management and team development. Her work enables teams to become conscious of their mental patterns, assumptions and dynamics thus enabling them to develop better communication and collaboration.
  • She is convinced that any transformation relies on our ability to address Doing and Being, on both diversity and common ground. Certified in CCTI®, Barrett Analytics, greytogreen, Exploring Change, Unconscious Bias, CQ (Cultural intelligence).
Carine Vallot

Carine Vallot

Office Manager

Certified CCTI® 

  • 20 year long experience in orchestrating agency events, driven by her organisational experience and her constantly burgeoning interest in psychology.
  • Ensures the proper operation of Osiris; finances, administration, logistics and
    even partner relations, the alumni, future interns and clients.
  • Accompanies individuals in meditation and in the exploration of their inner person through Art Therapy.

Our partner-coaches

Marc Le Breton

Marc Le Breton

Trainer consultant and certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563,
EIA practitioner (EMCC), CCTI®

  • Ex HR manager, consultant on managerial efficiency and commercial performance. Founder of Totem, a training firm, and has developed a managerial know-how that is well known and appreciated by corporations.
  • Travel companion of Evrard Wendenbaum discovering “The Lost Worlds” from which was born his “Leadership and Exploration” conference.
  • Carries along with Osiris the ambition of supporting executives and corporations in their management and their necessary transformations towards better performance and individual and collective well-being alike. Has created the “Management of Self and of others” approach, an alchemical blend between corporate project, self-awareness and managerial know-how.
Marc Jaugey

Marc Jaugey

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563,
EIA practitioner (EMCC), CCTI®, TypeCoach

  • More than 25 years of experience working in media (Canal + and M6) as well as working in “Internet & tech” groups internationally (eBay, Paypal, Prosus) where he has led various international teams in the fields of communication (both internal and external), marketing and corporate strategy.
  • Is an expert in the Post Merger Integration approach. Has notably spearheaded the accompaniment of executives on major M&A projects.
  • Works with the executive teams on key subjects of collaboration, values, corporate culture… in contexts that are as varied as start-ups to teams with thousands of collaborators. Contributes as much to collective accompaniment sessions as he does to individual accompaniments.
Marie-France Lefevre

Marie-France Lefevre

Trainer and certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563,
EIA practitioner (EMCC), CCTI®, TypeCoach

ESSCA – Institut Gregory Bateson

  • A former marketing, sales, finance and agri-food manager as well as a former programming director at the Grenoble School of Management, now certified as a Design Thinker of the DThinking Academy.
  • Has developed her consulting and training practice in which she accompanies and trains managers, embark teams and helps them broaden their horizons and brings out the uniqueness in everyone.
  • Passionate about the links between art and management. Has created La Fabrique de L’Inestimable®, whose ambition is to transform the artistic experience into learning with meaning.
Pascal Bachelin

Pascal Bachelin

Trainer and certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563,
EIA practitioner (EMCC), CCTI®

  • ​A seasoned manager and an esteemed coach known for his added value to programs of managerial transformation.
  • Shares strong convictions as to transformations and their managerial impact; accountability, autonomy, progress with a constant need to give meaning to managerial intentions.
  • Intervenes for Osiris within the  ‘Management of Self and of others’ course and as a coach.


Céline Charlet

Céline Charlet

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP 35563, CCTI®

  • 15 years of experience with corporations in Paris and Dubaï (Buying, Exports, Supply Chain management and 8 years in HR) as well as in an Outplacement cabinet specialized in executive support.
  • Has a strong intercultural sensibility thanks to her six years spent abroad and is fluent in English and Spanish.
  • Enjoys accompanying persons in their quest to know themselves better so that they find their place and belong, whether they are currently working or undergoing professional transition, and that they blend enjoyment and performance.
Stéphane Delattre

Stéphane Delattre

Trainer and certified professional coach

RNCP 35563, CCTI®

  • 15 years in managerial positions in small to medium businesses as well as international groups.
  • Has created a training practice dedicated to Sales and Management in 2004 and through this has enriched his know-how as a coach for executives.
  • His vision of coaching is dynamic, anchored in the business world, is future-facing and oriented towards positive and sustainable change.
Hubert Descamps

Hubert Descamps

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP, CCTI®
Master Practitioner in Positive Psychology

  • Ex Air France (internal coaching, Commercial Navigation Personnel and union representative), he is capable of confronting himself to strategic business challenges and to different types of management, always prioritizing the human aspect.
  • Accompanies executives, employees and individuals in general by encouraging a climate of trust and benevolence which is essential to the success and fulfillment of everyone.
Carole Dehais

Carole Dehais

Certified supervisor and professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, CCTI®

  • A former Altran group manager in its individual development team from 1996 to 2006, Carole has been coaching for 15 years, accompanying individuals and organisations in their transformations.
  • In a hyper fast-paced world, she strives to accompany the alignment of mindsets, of emotions and of sensations. Her objective is that each and everyone may develop who they are, knowing that everyone’s strength and richness comes from their uniqueness.
  • Carole is a Project Manager within the AFTP, the French Association for Psychological Types.
Daniel Jaspar

Daniel Jaspar

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, RNCP, CCTI®

  • An engineer in physics, an economist for HEC Liège, for over 20 years, has occupied positions at different managerial levels right as the telecommunications and energy markets went through liberalisation.
  • His exciting field experiences have grown his interest for the optimisation of the human and corporate potentials tenfold.
  • Has created Talent-Up (, an association of experts that merge their talents and experiences together at the service of Soft Skill development in the ultimate objective of developing performance at a team and organisation level.
  • Enables coachees to reveal their specific talents that actively contribute to the betterment of performance and hoist the organisation’s business strategy upwards.
Rachel Milutinovic

Rachel Milutinovic

Certified professional coach and transformation consultant

RNCP 35563, CCTI®

Cambridge Sustainability leadership,
B Corp Leader

  • 25 year long experience in local and global Marketing Direction positions within large corporations and conglomerates (Pepsico, Danone) as well as start-ups. Her expertise extends to branding, business, RSE, management and  change management.
  • Passionate about transformation’s challenges, she always places the human and personal aspects at the center of the transformations themselves, enabling each person to fulfill their potential as an actor of change within a collective.
  • Accompanies executives and their teams in the search for collective and individual “Raison d’Être” and “Raison d’Agir”.
Lauren Town

Lauren Town

Certified professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, CCTI®

  • Ex-Marketing Director in insurance, phytosanitary, multimedia and telecoms production.
  • Professional Coach and part-time manager at Orange, hence a practice of individual and collective coaching anchored within the realities of an organisation that is undergoing transformation.
  • Accompanies board executives, managerial staff, HR professionals, entrepreneurs, students and executive teams in France, Europe as a whole and Africa.
  • Has an original outlook on her client’s professional situations, bolstered by her experiences as an expat and her professional transitions and by her bicultural French-British background.

Our supervisor partner-coaches

Isabelle Saint Macary

Isabelle Saint Macary

Certified Supervisor and professional coach

Master Coach IDS®, CCTI®
ESC, Ecole de l’Approche Systémique Paradoxale,
IDSUP, Sophrologue Caycédienne

  • A former regional director for ETAM’s 1.2.3 brand for ten years, she is passionate about fashion but, above all, about the human resources that are businessmen and businesswomen and the overall strength of a collective as an agile system. She has developed and molded her role as an external coach in order to encourage the anchoring of known and emerging resources that
    teams and individuals alike withhold so they may progress, take initiative and adapt accordingly in the future.
  • As her professional identity grew and changed, she developed her supervisor side through working with coaches, executives and their teams. She combines benevolence and confrontation to allow for another perspective on the self, on situations, on challenges and on human interaction.
  • For Isabelle, supervision is the profession coach’s ecological space. A re-energizing, safe, exploratory and modeling space.
Christophe Biquet

Christophe Biquet

Certified Supervisor and professional coach

EFT practitioner

  • Equipped with an early and diversified experience of human relations, he ran a small family business and was a piano teacher in music academia for 25 years, before becoming a Professional Coach and a certified Supervisor.
  • He accompanies women and men as individuals and within collectives alike according to a systemic and creative approach which allows for the emergence of relational “transactions” within the organisation. His identity as a support person finds its roots in one strong conviction: corporate roles undergo metamorphosis; each role entailing responsibility must develop its coaching stance.
  • Coaching and supervision are both strong tools for supporting this transformation. He offers a benevolent yet confronting, and a safe yet creative presence, creating space to welcome the coachees’ emotions during their journey.